Montessori Early Years Learning and Care Centre operates two centres located in Dampier & Karratha, in the City of Karratha in Western Australia's Pilbara Region.
- 3 High Street, Dampier WA 6713
- 18 Crane Circle, Karratha WA 6714
Our third centre is located in Dalyellup, in the Shire of Capel in Western Australia's South West Region.
- 14/49 Norton Promenade, Dalyellup WA 6280
We're also very excited to announce that our fourth centre is now open in Lake Coogee!
- 616 Rockingham Road, Lake Coogee WA 6166
More information on each of our centres can be found by clicking on the links above.
We follow the Early Years Learning Framework as per our programming policy. This is Australia’s national Early Years Learning Framework for early childhood educators. The aim of this document is to extend and enrich children’s learning from birth to five years and through the transition to school.
We are committed to providing and developing an educational program, which caters for each child’s individual needs, abilities, and interests. Our program will continue to develop as we use the relationships children have with their families and communities, working in partnership with parents, to ensure each child’s knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities, and interests are the foundation of our programs.
We encourage children to be responsible for their own learning through choices in experiences, interests, and routine. We use conversations, actions, and exploration as the basis for teaching which involves the children being partners in teaching by seeking out ideas, opinions, thoughts, and questions. We encourage children in promoting their independence and self-help skills by assisting within the routine and involving the children in interest-based projects to further enhance their learning and knowledge. We value children and family input and encourage family involvement to gather a comprehensive and holistic view of the child.
We know that children learn effectively through play and Educators who are diligent in their responsiveness to each child support this. Applying strong intentional teaching practices will provide the children with an authentic and meaningful learning environment that challenges, supports and nurtures a child’s development.